
Shared by wonderer  

on the purpose of this blog, with reminders for you and for me.

what this site is for:


In recent years I’ve become aware of a bad habit: I often squelch my ideas before they can grow. I’d like to leave that behind.

So, within the giant space that is the internet, I’m carving out a place to check in, somewhere to share. Somewhere crucially separate from social media, where distractions pop up constantly, the heavy news cycle is incessant, and it’s way easy to scroooooll for hours.

Here I can write about ideas that percolate through my head. Too long for a tweet, too personal for Facebook, too me for anywhere but here. At least for now.

Maybe one day I’ll be braver. That’s the practice: here I’m relearning the confidence to value my own reflections.


I get excited about weird stuff! And about a lot of stuff.

Some things I’ve been diving into lately include: native plant gardening, Babylon-5, nutritious movement, sewing 18th century historical clothing, yoga, language learning (Dutch), The Magnus Archives, and spiritual practice.

Things filter on and off my current landscape. Life is broad and beautiful.

So here I’ll ramble, stretch, and explore. Embrace rabbit holes and the surprise wikipedia trail. Finding connections. Exploring nuance. Yes.

I’ll use tags and categories to keep posts at least somewhat organized. We’ll see what patterns emerge over time.

I’m curious where this project will lead me. Are you?

what can this become?

a record

Memory is such an imperfect record. Ideas that feel critical in the moment fade over time. Details blur until only the outline of the occasion remains to be recalled. My intention is to create something concrete to look back on.

I want to savor this journey, but I also want to document it. I want snapshots to review later. On a grey day many months from now, when I worry that I’ve accomplished little, I want a trail of breadcrumbs to lead me back to the truth:

I am making progress.

We’re each always growing and changing. Hopefully, with a little effort, that change can be for the better. Intentional. Intentions we set are powerful.

an invitation

Maybe by hollowing out this space for myself, I can inspire you to create space for yourself, too. Your struggles, your perspective, your experiences are likely different from mine, of course. Your version of holding space will be different. Yet I think we all share a need for opportunities to deepen our relationship with our authentic selves.

Maybe someday, this blog can be one such opportunity. A place for connection, where I’m not the only one sharing. I’m not sure yet what that would look like. The big wide internet is intimidating to open yourself up to. But if you and others out there want to engage with my story, I’d like to find ways to engage with yours, too.


For now, I invite you to read along.